Houses for sale in Villanueva del Duque (City)

Find 5 offers of all types of houses with landplot: independent chalets, villas in more populated areas or rustic fincas, country houses, farmhouses in rural areas.
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250 000 €
(1 389 €/m²)
Detached house, 3 rooms, 180 m²
España, Villanueva del Duque, Cordova
Sale Urban 110 000  m², Villanueva del Duque
WaterElectricitySewerageDetached houseResidential
110 000 €
(514 €/m²)
Detached house, 4 rooms, 214 m²
España, Villanueva del Duque, Cordova
Sale Urban 4 372  m², Villanueva del Duque
WaterElectricitySewerageDetached houseResidential
140 000 €
(1 167 €/m²)
Detached house, 120 m²
España, Villanueva del Duque, Cordova
Sale Urban 220 000  m², Villanueva del Duque
WaterElectricitySewerageDetached houseResidential
120 000 €
(1 000 €/m²)
Detached house, 3 rooms, 120 m²
España, Villanueva del Duque, Cordova
Sale Urban 20 000  m², Villanueva del Duque
WaterElectricitySewerageDetached houseResidential
115 000 €
(369 €/m²)
Detached house, 3 rooms, 312 m²
España, Villanueva del Duque, Cordova
Sale Urban 1 464  m², Villanueva del Duque
WaterElectricitySewerageDetached houseResidential
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Real estate product for sale in Villanueva del Duque City

14 landplots for sale of all kinds such as urban, developable or rustic from owners, agencies and banks.

5 houses for sale in all the cities of Cordova with the cheapest price per m2 from 368.6 euros and the most expensive may range up to 1388.9 euros.

Houses for sale with price statistics

5 independent chalets for sale of which 0 chalets for sale from owners and 5 from professionals and banks with the lowest price per m2 from 368.6€/m2, average price of 1000€/m2 and chalets in higher priced areas can range up to 1388.9€/m2

4 rustic fincas for sale of which 0 fincas for sale from owners and 4 from professionals with the most inexpensive price per m2 from €/m2, average price of €/m2 and rustic fincas in more exclusive areas can range up to €/m2

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