Village houses for sale in Belmez (City)

Find 3 offers of all types of village houses with land in more populated or rural areas from owners, agencies and banks.
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29 000 €
(191 €/m²)
Village house, 3 rooms, 152 m²
España, Belmez, Cordova
Sale Urban 217  m², Belmez
Village houseResidential
125 000 €
(992 €/m²)
Village house, 3 rooms, 126 m²
España, Belmez, Cordova
Sale Urban 126  m², Belmez
TerraceVillage houseResidential
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Pricelist of Village houses in  Cordova

2 offers of  Village houses for sale of which 0 are from owners and  2 adverts from professionals with the cheapest prices of Village houses 190.8 euros/m2  where the average price is close to  euros/m2 and in luxury options it can be 992.1 euros/m2.

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